Day 2: Brazil

I've been looking and looking, and not one person here looks like Blanka. NOT ONE.

Is it so hard to find a shirtless man with red hair, a grill of death, and just so happens to have green skin?

Rio de Janeiro is cool metropolis type place. Like all cities, they have a high class downtown section, homeless scattered around. The beaches are so big, like San Francisco beaches, except not cold and dirty.

As my family and I walked around, people were saying "Domo arigato!" But we didn't know how to say, " we're not Japanese" in Portuguese, so instead we opted to nod in agreement. We did stick out like a sore thumb though. Look at what my dad was wearing:

The only thing in the world to match those short shorts, are those shoes

Samba Show

Here's what we saw:

Soccer girl who
kept kicking a ball
without dropping it
for 30 minutes

reaction to the
soccer girl

Kobe Bryant apparently
does Samba shows on
his free time.

This Japanese guy felt left out after his wife got chosen to dance with one of the dancers, so he gets up and tries to dance with another dancer. But she was more of a side dancer. She didn't know what to do when he grabbed her hand, so she let him dance with her arm for the remaining of the song. haha! hilarious

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